
MECOTEC, °CRYOScience, and CryoBuilt are proud to announce that we are launching a collaborative international endeavor to elevate knowledge, understanding, and standards around cryotherapy called The Cryo Chamber Manufacturers Initiative, or The CCM Initiative.

The initiative reflects a growing public awareness about the benefits of cold therapy in general and an increasing number of cold therapy methods available. This positive growth is bringing about greater interest in cryotherapy and in cryotherapy best practices. 

“As the leaders in cryo chamber manufacturing, we have a responsibility to help mature our industry by bringing clarity, definition, and evidence around cryotherapy standards,” said Enrico Klauer, CEO of MECOTEC. 

“To start, this year we will focus on information,” said Marcus Wilson, CEO of CryoBuilt. “That means taking our collective knowledge of cryotherapy and making it available to the wider public online to the benefit of everyone interested in cryotherapy.”

“The CCM Initiative is one piece of a bigger puzzle for strengthening the whole industry as it grows,” said Omar, CEO of CryoScience. “We want people to be equipped with the knowledge of how to experience the full benefits of cryotherapy, which will fortify the reputation of our industry while supporting human well-being at a wider scale.”

The CCM Initiative will address topics such as cryotherapy methods, quality and safety, and existing scientific research. While still in the initial phase, the initiative will seek to engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders as it takes shape.    

Please visit The CCM Initiative website to subscribe to updates.


这种纯电动操作的低温冷冻室被广泛应用于高档酒店的水疗区、诊所和体育设施,例如德国足球甲级联赛、美国的NFL体育场等。自2023年5月起,该公司成为德国乒乓球职业选手和国家队选手Dimitrij Ovtcharov的官方赞助合作伙伴。
该公司由创始人兼总经理Enrico Klauer管理,他得到了由金融和制药行业专家组成的顾问委员会的支持。自2022年初以来,Dr. Friedrich Rheinheimer担任首席运营官,负责运营业务。
MECOTEC GmbH被评为德国最具创新力的100家公司之一。


Dr. Karin Funke-Rapp
Sonnenallee 14-30
06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen / Germany
M +49 (0) 176 627 55085
@ karinfunkerapp@mecotec.net
W www.mecotec.net
